AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Still serious humanitarian problems in the "forgotten areas" of the country: report of the ICRC

Friday, 20 April 2012

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Colombia presented in Bogotá and in nine other Colombian cities where it works, its annual report containing serious reports on the growing humanitarian problems affecting the civilian population. Issues such as forced displacement, threats, sexual violence, violations against the work of doctors and damage to property of the community are placed in the context of internal armed conflict that Colombia has been living for almost 50 years.
As indicated in the ICRC statement sent to Fides by Adital, the report is also a way of reminding all parties involved in the conflict, that they must respect and apply the strictly humanitarian regulations. The humanitarian problems are more common in so-called "forgotten areas". In these places, people are suffering the consequences of the fighting (recently increased) and military operations. Also in these areas there are no basic services like water, public education, healthcare and transport.
The ICRC found that regions where the population is most affected by the conflict are: Cauca, Narino, Choco, Antioquia, Cordoba, Putumayo, Caquetá, Meta, Guaviare and Norte de Santander. In Medellin, Tumaco and Buenaventura, the report indicates that people are facing not only the consequences of internal conflict, but also other forms of organized violence. The report finds cases of aerial spraying of illicit crops. Practice that has also affected the legal plantations of the community who live in conflict areas, and that has made it even harder to find food and sustenance, as well as affecting the health of the population.
In 2011 the report cataloged more than 760 violations of international humanitarian law: the government has made efforts to change this reality, but these are still insufficient. To demonstrate that these regions are part of "the other Colombia", "the forgotten Colombia," Jordi Raich, head of the ICRC delegation, cites data that show the disparity in the country's economic growth. Based on figures provided by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Raich emphasized that Colombia is the second country with the worst income distribution. At the same time, in 2011, the country's economic growth was above 5%, one of the highest in Latin America. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 20/4/2012
