AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Sudan and Southern Sudan mobilize the population, "Only an international intervention can stop the war" Church sources say

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "The sound of war between South Sudan and Sudan. One is heading towards a war, unless there is a strong stance by the United Nations Security Council to stop the two contenders," says to Fides a source of the Church from Malakal, southern Sudan. The tension between the two Countries is rising after the occupation of Heglig, oil area claimed by both States, by the troops of South Sudan, and Khartoum's air force raids on some parts of South Sudan. Another dispute is over Abyei, an area also rich in oil on the border of the two States.
"Yesterday in Malakal, as in other cities in southern Sudan, there was a demonstration of the population in favor of the SPLA (southern Sudan's army) and occupation by troops of Juba of Heglig" refer Fides sources. "The population seems to be compact and united behind the government: in almost every city of South Sudan letters have been written to be delivered to the representatives of the UN Mission in Sudan to protest the request made by UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to the Southern Sudan President, Salva Kiir, to withdraw troops from Heglig."
"One does not hear critical voices with regards to the occupation on behalf of the SPLA of Heglig, but one must keep in mind that South Sudan lives in an authoritarian regime, so if someone were to openly oppose the government policy, they would have some risks. The regime of Khartoum is no less oppressive, and has mobilized the population in view of an open conflict with the South. Only a decisive intervention of the international community can stop the war ", say our sources.
The U.S. government has sent an emissary to try to defuse tension between the two Countries, while the African Union has launched an appeal so that Juba and Khartoum withdraw their troops from Abyei. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 18/4/2012)
