ASIA/TAIWAN - Renewal of leadership and preparation for the Year of Faith: the main themes of the Spring Assembly of the Regional Episcopal Conference

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. John Hung Shan Chuan, SVD, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Tai Pei, was re-elected President of the Regional Episcopal Conference of Taiwan during the Ordinary Spring Assembly of the Episcopal Conference, which started on April 11 and lasted three days. The renewal of the leadership and the preparation for the Year of Faith were the main themes of the Assembly, which for first time took place in the new headquarters of the Episcopal Conference. According to information Fides received, those confirmed, together with Mgr. Hung were also Vice President, His Exc. Mgr. Peter Liu, Archbishop of the diocese of Kao Hiung, one of two executive Vice presidents and the Secretary General. Mgr. Martin Su Yao Wen, Bishop of the Diocese of Tai Chung, was elected executive Vice president for the first time. The meeting also followed by the intervention of Mgr. Paul Russell, charge d'affaires of the Holy See to Taiwan, and Cardinal Paul Shan, Bishop emeritus of Kaohsiung, who encouraged bishops, priests and faithful to preach the Gospel with commitment and courage. Finally, they discussed the pastoral preparations for the Year of Faith. The Bishops showed their great satisfaction to work in the new Episcopal Conference headquarters, because "it is not only an administrative structure, but a place that preserves the tradition and culture of the Church." (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 18/4/2012)
