AFRICA/MALI - In a few hours the appointment of the Premier of the transition

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "We are waiting for the appointment of the Prime Minister from one moment ot another," says Fr. Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. In Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso) negotiations between political, social and military parties of Mali continue under the auspices of ECOWAS. "It was decided that all those who will be part of the transitional institutions, Interim Head of State, Prime Minister and Ministers, in addition to the military, cannot present themselves as candidates in the upcoming presidential elections," says Fr. Dembele. "This is a first agreement although even if other details must be defined, such as the organs and the duration of the transition period, which begins at the end of the 40-days of temporary work of the functions as Head of State by the President of Parliament, Dioncounda Traore".
In Mauritania talks between the delegation sent by the Head of State ad interim and rebels of the MNLA (National Liberation Movement dell'Azawad) continue. Another group active in the north, Ansar al-Dine, has released 150 soldiers captured in recent days, thanks to the mediation of the High Islamic Council of Mali. "We have been invited as Catholic Church to participate to the welcoming ceremony for these soldiers which is scheduled at 4 o’clock, local time, in Bamako," says Fr.Dembele.
Last night several politicians and military, including former Prime Minister Modibo Sidibé were arrested." Among those arrested are a few close associates of the former President and, in particular, those who managed the relations with Gaddafi’s Libya. The military has announced to have a dossier of the detainees that perhaps will be published within a few hours. One only knows that, as regards to those who maintained the relationships with Gaddafi's Libya, the allegations concern the crisis in the north, " says Fr. Dembele.
Gaddafi had recruited many Tuaregs in northern Mali and Niger, who fought in the Libyan war in 2011. According to different information, the MNLA rebels were helped by Malian Tuaregs who had returned with their arms in the Country. "I have no information on the Swiss citizen kidnapped in Timboctou. I do not know if she is a Catholic missionary or belonging to another Christian denomination" specifies the Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 17/4/2012)
