ASIA/CHINA - Easter celebration: the fruits are gathered and the Evangelization of spring begins

Monday, 16 April 2012

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - The Easter celebration in various Chinese Catholic communities was characterized by the collection of the "fruits of evangelization" through the administration of the sacraments of Christian initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) to the catechumens , and at the same time, thanks to a new missionary zeal for the spring period. "Evangelization is not an impossible thing, but it requires belief, good preparation and formation in faith": This is the experience of a catechist in the parish of Ba Du, in the diocese of Ba Meng of Inner Mongolia, who wanted to share the experience during the opening of the Evangelization of Spring, on April 14, in the presence of the Bishop Ordinary, His Exc. Mgr.Du Jiang. On this occasion the 144 newly baptized at Easter were also welcomed and, in particular, words of encouragement were addressed to the catechists. Mgr. Du urged the faithful "to convert themselves, to evangelize with great courage."
According to information gathered by Fides, the parish of Chao Yang of the Diocese of Liano Ning, welcomed 62 new members at Easter. As confirmed by the pastor, "the commitment on behalf of everyone has given its fruit. Because evangelism is the responsibility and mission of every believer. Everyone has to be testimony of an evangelizing faith in their own environment." The cathedral of the Diocese of Bao Ding, in the province of He Bei, at Easter celebrated the baptism of 46 catechumens. In his homily, the priest said "Easter is the best opportunity to renew evangelization."
In the parish of Liu He of the Diocese of Tai Yuan, in the Shan Xi province, there were 254 baptized (including 72 infants). Over 5,000 people attended the Easter Day Mass. The newly baptized and their catechists confirmed together the importance of the witness of life for evangelization. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 16/4/2012)
