ASIA/CHINA - Chinese Catholic Community in New York: at Easter 154 baptisms and 216 confirmations

Thursday, 12 April 2012

New York City (Agenzia Fides) - During Easter there were 154 baptisms and 216 confirmations in the three churches attended by the Chinese Catholic community in New York, according to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei. Don Giuseppe Rang, head of the Chinese Catholic community ministry in New York, informs that "in the church of St. Joseph and the church of Santa Teresa, 120 catechumens were baptized (86 adults and 34 children) and 216 faithful (130 together with 86 newly baptized adults) were confirmed. In the church of the Transfiguration there were 34 baptisms: two young Chinese immigrants of the new generation, two from Hong Kong and thirty adults of the continent. There were many Chinese Catholic immigrants who attended enthusiastically these moments of great impulse of faith. "
The church dedicated to St. Joseph in New York is considered the church of immigrants, and the solemn celebration of Easter was a time of profound spirituality for the community, as confirmed by Don Lino Gonsalves, of Indian origin, pastor of St. Joseph: "every year catechism classes and the celebration of baptisms have always given great impetus to evangelization and parish ministry. " All this thanks to the efforts of community leaders and priests responsible for the community and for priests studying in the United States, and at the same time provide pastoral services to immigrants, convinced that it is mutual help. In fact, the Chinese young priests say: "we were sent here to study, we did not imagine we could also provide pastoral service to our faithful. For us studying and evangelizing are two complementary and harmonious commitments, mutual support ".
Don Giuseppe Rang, who is originally from the province of Fu Jian and after obtaining his doctorate in moral theology at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome was called to go to New York for the pastoral care of the Catholic community of the Diaspora, he recalls that at Christmas 175 baptisms in the parishes of St. Joseph and St. Therese were celebrated, among whom 95 adults. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 12/4/2012)
