ASIA/PAKISTAN - "Education opens the door of progress:" Inauguration of the St. Camillus English Medium Primary School in Okara

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Okara (Agenzia Fides) - The community Bhatta, Chak 14/4-L, in Okara, in the Pakistan province of Punjab, is composed of about 400 families and is part of the St. Anthony of Padua Parish. The residents of this place, especially Christians, are very poor, education holds no importance and is considered marginal and restricted to a few. Families, rather than spending money to sending their children to school, prefer to economize and increase their daily income. After long years of struggle and hard work, the Lay Camillian Family (LCF), managed to inaugurate the St. Camillus English Medium Primary School attended by over 300 people and by many Muslim and Christian leaders.
In a note sent by the Camillian father Mushtaq Anjum to Fides, says that the pastor of St. Anthony, Father James Archangelous, while appreciating the effort of the LCF members, said that "God has called and appointed the Family Lay Camillian members to do His mission of teaching and proclaiming in this most marginalized community" and added that "Education opens the door of progress." It was his wish that this school be opened in the main area of the parish and has given full support to the initiative of the LCF who are working for the poor, the sick, the rejected and most marginalized people. The dream of many of having a small school of their own in which small children will receive education has finally come true. Even the local Muslim Imam praised the work of LCF and has assured support for the school. The President of LCF Pakistan, Asia Aslam, said: "we are not afraid of hurdles, we have achieved this goal despite all difficulties. We will continue to bring the light of Christ to these people, we are here to serve them and nothing else. " The most deserving poor children will be given uniforms and free school books. The school does not have infrastructure and so far 26 children have shown up with their parents to be admitted. Classes will be held in a private house, which has generously been offered, until a better situation is found. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 11/4/2012)
