ASIA/HONG KONG - Cardinal Tong encourages the newly baptized and their catechists to be witnesses of faith in the footsteps of the first Christian communities

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, encouraged about 3,500 catechumens who were baptized and the other two sacraments of Christian initiation (Confirmation and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil, and thanked the priests, men and women religious and laity for their work of evangelization, inviting them to be witnesses of faith in the footsteps of the first Christian communities. This is the central content of the Easter Pastoral Letter 2012 that the newly appointed Cardinal addressed to his faithful. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (the diocesan bulletin in Chinese) in the Letter, signed on March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Cardinal Tong stressed the need for a continuous journey of faith after Baptism, pointing as an example to follow the first Christian community. According to the Cardinal as " the Acts of the Apostles remind us, the three characteristics of the new community are: to listen carefully to the teaching of the Apostles, to often meet to break bread and pray, serve others, especially the needy." The Bishop of Hong Kong finally addresses this exhortation: "Therefore, brothers and sisters, let us be guided by the teacher - the first Christian community – of the era of the Apostles, let us continue for a lifetime of Bible reading, prayer and community meeting - especially Mass - as well as service to others to bear witness to our faith."(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 11/4/2012)
