AMERICA/COLOMBIA - The Bishops advise moderation and caution with regards to dialogue with the guerrillas; without the will on behalf of the parties true peace will never be reached

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of the Colombian area "eje Cafetero" (Pereira, Armenia and Manizales), so named for the particular coffee production, consider that the decision of the government of a possible dialogue with the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), should be taken with serenity and moderation, and not as a result of the euphoria for the liberation of the hostages (see Fides 03/04/2012), an event considered important but which, in their opinion, was an obvious answer to a national and international demand.
The Archbishop of Manizales, Mgr. Gonzalo Restrepo, said that peace is a right and a duty that should not be imposed as a condition in requests that are handled exclusively by the State or by illegal armed groups like the FARC. "Peace is part of the human condition and is a matter to be lived every day in the daily lives of citizens," he told Radio Caracol.
According to the Archbishop, the negotiations should include the important aspects such as forgiveness, reconciliation and tolerance, three factors that must also consider the pain of a country affected by kidnappings, crime, displacement of people for violence and extrajudicial executions, including the illegal actions of the guerrilla forces or the military forces of the State.
Other local sources contacted by Fides report the opinion of the emeritus Bishop of the Diocese of Florencia and former Secretary of the Colombian Episcopal Conference, His Exc. Mgr. Fabian Marulanda Lopez, who said: no one can speak of dialogue or a negotiation "in the heat of the moment", one must wait for the waters to calm down and for the situation to stabilize in order to act prudently and do things without excesses on both sides, "taking into account the social and political realities of the country, and the actions of the armed revolt". The Bishop added that this issue will certainly be addressed by the priests in homilies during the Holy Week, and has insisted that without the sincerity and intentions of the parties true peace will not be reached. (CE) (Agency Fides 04/04/2012)
