AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU-The Bishops call to live Holy Week as a "Week of Reconciliation"

Monday, 2 April 2012

Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - "During Holy Week, we are called to live more intensely, our faith, renewing it in prayer, fasting, charity, listening of the Word of God. In this atmosphere of faith and hope, we prepare ourselves for the celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ, we, Bishops of Guinea-Bissau, invite all communities of the Diocese of Bissau and Bafatá, to live Holy Week as a 'Week of Reconciliation'." This is the invitation by Archbishop José Câmnate na Bissign, Bishop of Bissau, by Archbishop Pedro Carlos Zilli, Bishop of Bafatá ¸ and by Archbishop José Lampra Cá, Auxiliary Bishop of Bissau. In the letter sent to the faithful of the two dioceses in Guinea Bissau, of which a copy was sent to Fides, and where the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Africae Munus" is cited: Holy Father Benedict XVI says: "In order to encourage reconciliation in communities right, I heartily recommend, as did the Synod Fathers, that each country celebrate yearly a day or a week of reconciliation, particularly during Advent or Lent". (No. 157)
The Bishops point out that, in response to the Pope’s appeal, during this period of Lent moments of prayer for a deeper experience of reconciliation have already been organized, and they continue: "In this time of anticipated presidential elections, in which tempers are already very excited, we pray to the Lord to come to the aid of our dear Guinea-Bissau. Let us pray that every Guinean is reconciled with God, with himself and with his brother. In this desire for reconciliation, we Catholic Christians, cannot neglect the Sacrament of Reconciliation".
The message concludes by recalling what is stated in Psalm 127: "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain". "With the certainty that, unless the Lord builds the house, we cannot achieve reconciliation, justice and peace, we invite all Guinean brothers to join us Catholics, in the prayer for justice, peace and reconciliation. Let us all put an effort in creating and consolidating the foundations for a more promising future for our good people of Guinea". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 02/04/2012)
