Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Santiago and President of the Episcopal Conference of Chile, Mgr. Ricardo Ezzati, issued a statement, dated March 28, entitled "For a more human coexistence and without violence", stressing that Chilean society was moved by the death of the young Daniel Zamudio, "whose health and situation we followed these days with special closeness and concern, praying to God for him and his family". About 25 days ago, a violent gang of youths attacked Daniel Zamudio, 24 years of age, only because homosexual. Despite medical treatment, he did not recover and died.
The statement, which Fides received, adds that Daniel’s death occurred in "painful and repulsive circumstances, like denigration of the human person, which becomes intolerance, aggression and violence, base on which one cannot build the future of a human community". Mgr. Ricardo Ezzati emphasizes that, once again, the pilgrim Church in Chile adheres to the clear position of the Holy See, and cites the 1986 document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith: "It is deplorable that homosexual people have been and are still the subject of verbal nastiness or violent actions. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church's Pastors wherever they occur. They also show a lack of respect for others and undermine the fundamental principles which underpin a healthy society. The inherent dignity of each person must always be respected in word, in action and in law".
"No one can be attacked, insulted, or excluded for reasons of race, sex, age, background or beliefs", stressed Mgr. Ezzati, adding that "the attack that killed this young man, like many other expressions of violence against people, cannot remain indifferent to our society". The statement concluded with a request to further investigate this crime, to establish the truth and do justice. Archbishop Ezzati underlines his closeness to Daniel Zamudio’s family. (CE) ( Agenzia Fides 29/3/2012)