ASIA/CHINA - On the Feast of the Annunciation a new church was consecrated and the first stone was blessed

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) - On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord a new church was consecrated, dedicated to the Annunciation, which is situated in the diocese of Xian Xian (today Cang Zhou), in He Bei province. Moreover, in the diocese of Zhe Jiang, province of Guang Dong, the foundation stone for the construction of the church to be dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary was laid and blessed.
According to information Fides received, His Exc. Mgr. Joseph Li, Bishop of the diocese of Xian Xian, presided at the consecration of the Church of the Annunciation with the diocesan priests, including the new and the old parish priest, which has over 150 years of history. During the rite, the faithful also distributed pamphlets to passersby on evangelization, turning the occasion into a missionary opportunity.
Over 3 thousand faithful of the diocese of Zhen Jiang attended the blessing and the laying of the cornerstone of the new church dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. The local faithful commented: "We have finally done it! The church was founded in 1938 and was destroyed by a cyclone in 1954. From that moment onwards we were like lost sheep. Today, thanks to a great commitment on behalf of everyone, led by Mgr. Su, the diocesan Bishop, we have overcome many bureaucratic, economic obstacles, etc ... and we will soon have a new house of God. "(NZ) (Agenzia Fides 28/3/2012)
