AFRICA/MALI - Religious leaders mediate to find a way out after the military coup

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - The main religious leaders in Mali are engaged in negotiations to resolve the political crisis triggered by the military coup that overthrew President Amadou Toumani Touré (see Fides 22/03/2012). "Yesterday I participated with Mgr. Jean Zerbo Archbishop of Bamako, along with the Protestant and Islamic leaders of the Country, in a meeting with political parties that are contrary to the coup. Object of the meeting was to find a solution so that the military yeild power as soon as possible", says to Fides Don Edmond Dembele, Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Mali. "This morning we will meet the parties that instead support the coup in order to obtain an accurate picture of all the different points of view in order to propose a way out of this crisis", says Don Dembele. The religious leaders involved in the negotiation are part of the Union Sacrée des Leaders Religieux. "These propose themselves as intermediaries between the political parties and the new authorities resulted from the coup", underlines Don Dembele.
Meanwhile, the situation in the Country seems to be returning back to normal. "Yesterday the borders were partially reopened, allowing the import of essential goods", reports Don Dembele.
"The capital seems calm - the priest continues. I have just crossed the center of town and I could see that the population has returned to work. The traffic is almost back to normal, there are several cars and motorcycles that circulate".
"Yesterday there was a small demonstration of several hundred young people who accepted the appeal made by some political parties to protest against the military coup. The event, which took place in front of the Bourse du Travail, the headquarters of the Union National des Travailleurs du Mali (the main trade union in the Country), was not suppressed and was held peacefully", concluded Don Dembele. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2012)
