VATICAN-Cardinal Filoni at the Pontifical Urban university: "Whoever is the bearer of glad tidings, that is Christ, must have the enthusiasm and joy, and be like Maria architect of consolation and grace"

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Pontifical Urban University celebrates its patron saint's day on the solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, when the liturgy recalls the twice said "yes": "Of Jesus who enters the world saying to the Father,"here I come to do your will", and Mary with her adherence:"Be it unto me according to thy word". This was underlined by the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Urban University, Cardinal Fernando Filoni, who presided this morning's Mass in the Chapel of the Urban College.
In his homily the Cardinal said that "immediately after the Angel’s announcement, Mary set out on the journey to bring in Elizabeth's house, not just help, but Jesus, sent to us by the Father to save mankind. Mary thus becomes the icon of the Church, who tirelessly walks the world, and in a hurry, to bring the gospel to everyone and everywhere". Then he continued:" Isn’t this the task of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples : to keep alive the awareness that the Church "exists to evangelize"? Isn’t this its "vocation and deepest identity"? And doesn’t our University have to increasingly characterize this? ".
Inspired by the Gospel of the solemnity, Cardinal Filoni emphasized some expressions. The angel’s dialogue with Mary begins with the word "Rejoice". "From the moment of the Annunciation - said the Cardinal - the advent of Jesus is presented with an invitation to joy. And Mary is 'cause of our joy' ... whoever is the bearer of glad tidings, that is Christ, must have the enthusiasm and joy and become like Mary architect of consolation and grace in all situations of distress. It is an indispensable feature of the missionaries".
The invitation to Mary to rejoice, has its basis in reference to the presence of her Lord: "The Lord is with thee". "According to St. John Chrysostom, the traditional greeting that is used in the liturgy "means that the assembly is a feast". - said Cardinal Filoni -. This greeting is also the assurance that is always given when in the Scripture God gives a task to man, especially if difficult. It is also associated with the mandate of Jesus to the apostles before returning to the Father".
"How is that possible?" asks Mary. "It is not concern, but rather wonder at a God who can do everything, but needs us - highlighted the Cardinal -. It is surprising that he conditions the implementation of his Plan of salvation to the collaboration asked to a girl. But reminds us that God trusts us, despite everything, he wants collaborators not servants. The implementation of the saving work of Christ also depends on us, from our 'yes', our efforts, our initaitives".
The Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples also underlined that "God wants everyone to be saved and come to the fullness of truth and communion with him. His wish was fulfilled when Mary gave her adherence. Her "Here I am " must now be endorsed by the Church and each of us. The divine plan of salvation is not imposed but proposed. He is waiting for our "yes", our collaboration".
After the Mass, an academic Act was held by the Rector of the University, a student representative, and prof. Antoine Kambanda, Rector of Major Seminary of Nyakibanda (Rwanda), who presented a report on the role of pacification and reconciliation carried out by the Church in the Great Lakes region after the genocide in 1994. (SL) (Agenzia Fides 27/3/2012)
