AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU- The results of the first round of presidential elections have been challenged

Friday, 23 March 2012

Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - "The situation is evolving, because candidates who did not accept the results of the first round present today the appeal to the Supreme Court claiming that the elections were marred by fraud. This was reiterated in a joint statement " say to Fides local sources in Bissau, capital of Guinea Bissau, where the disclosure of the provisional results of the first round of presidential elections on 18 March were made public (see Fides 17/03/2012).
To have the lead is outgoing President Carlos Gomes Junior, who obtained 48.97% of the votes, followed by Kumba Yala, with 23.36%. The latter, who is leading the protest backed by the other four candidates who were excluded from the ballot, is the former Head of State overthrown by a military coup in September 2003 (15/09/2003). The ballot should be held on on April 22.
Meanwhile, the former Chief of Staff, Zamora Induta, took refuge in the local representation of the European Union, saying he fears for his safety. Induta was arrested in 2010 along with former head of military intelligence Samba Djalo, killed on March 18 by a commando. Induta was accused of directing the armed forces as "one of his personal properties" by Major General Antonio Indjai, who had deposed and placed under house arrest in the barracks in Mansoa (60 km from Bissau). "Life goes on, but there is concern because no one knows what the political developments will be ", concludes our sources. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/3/2012)
