AFRICA/MALI - Calmer situation, the coup leaders start talks with political and religious representatives

Friday, 23 March 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The firing of gun shots came to an end yesterday afternoon. Today the situation is calmer, although most people still prefer to stay home", sources of the Episcopal Conference of Mali, in Bamako told Fides, where a group of soldiers made a coup against President Amadou Toumani Touré (see Fides 22/03/2012).
"There is no precise information on the whereabouts of President Touré. An initial death toll of the clashes between the military coup and those remaining loyal to the Head of State records one person killed and forty wounded, but it is a provisional estimate", the sources told Fides.
The coup leaders have justified their actions by accusing the President of incompetence in the management of military operations in the north of the Country against the majority Tuareg separatist movement and Islamist groups operating there. The war in the north has created great excitement in the Country and the coup leaders appear to involve politicians and civil society to find a way out of this situation. As confirmed by our sources, in fact "the military coup leaders have begun to meet with representatives of political and religious authorities to explain the situation and arrive at the formation of a provisional government. Already yesterday there were some meetings with politicians and Muslim leadership. The meetings are expected to continue today. At 6 in the afternoon there will be a rally at the “bourse du travail” with the population", refer our sources.
Regarding the reaction of people to the coup, "ordinary citizens were surprised and it is difficult to understand the mood of the population. Reading the press and listening to the radio one gets the impression that a part of the public opinion is understanding towards the military’s action because many feel that there was too much laxity in the management of the State. But others think that one should wait until the elections (expected at the end of April) as President Toure should, however, resign because he could not get another term. The popular sentiment is therefore divided, because the speed of recent developments has not yet allowed people to get a better idea of what is happening. It is likely that in following days one will understand the situation and the different reactions better ", concludes our source. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/3/2012)
