ASIA/HONG KONG - Knowing better and living the Word of God in the Year of the Laity: initiative of the parish of St. Judas

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - To promote the reading and copying by hand the Sacred Scripture: is the initiative promoted by the parish of St. Judas of the diocese of Hong Kong, to help parishioners know better and live the Word of God in the Year of the Laity. According to reports from the Kong Ko Bao (Chinese version of the diocesan bulletin), since July last year until next May, over 180 parishioners will take part in the various groups which have as their theme the knowledge of Holy Scripture: group reading of the Scripture (with the commitment to read the entire New Testament), copying (with the commitment to hand-copy the entire New Testament or the four Gospels or the Acts of the Apostles), the group of copying for children (to copy a Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles). According to the pastor, who is the Korean missionary Fr. Paul Kim Dong Ju, "we had a very positive experience in South Korea with this type of initiative, which is also a way to practice spirituality. Becausebefore sitting down and copying, you must first find the calm, therefore recite at least a prayer, concentrating on the Word of God. "In addition, the parish has also opened a website dedicated to the initiative, allowing participants to share their experiences in real time. One of them wrote: "copying the Bible has helped me to get closer to God the Father." On Sunday, May 20 there will be a solemn Mass in the parish to finish this formation focused on the Word of God (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 21/3/2012)
