AMERICA/CHILE - The ecclesial community of Calama supports the requests on behalf of the population for greater attention of the central government

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Calama (Agenzia Fides) – His Exc. Mgr. Guillermo Vera Soto, Bishop of San Juan Bautista de Calama, gave his support to the 5,000 people who attended the march yesterday to ask the central government the realization of several projects that give the city and the region the quality of life it deserves. The Bishop said that Calama was persistent in his request to be heard by the central government, and observed that the people of this city can be an example on how he brought forward his concerns, on how he prepared the tables of dialogue and for the submission of proposals to the authorities. He also stressed that for several years the population has demanded greater attention, with great patience, and now the marches are intended to show that there is support of the people against the authorities who carry out such requests.
According to the note sent by the Episcopal Conference of Chile to Fides, Mgr. Vera said about the march held on March 20: "We have always thought that these events must take place in an atmosphere of unity, rejecting all forms of violence, and we have to say that there was a very good attitude on behalf of those who have organized and those who took part. We believe that our authorities are doing something, but we also want to continue to offer our demands, in an attitude of peaceful dialogue, but also with the attitude that shows that there is a whole community that asks and believes in what it is asking". At the end the Bishop said that "Calama belongs to everyone this is an opportunity to express the concern we feel for the city and for those who live in this land. Calama is a city that offers employment opportunities, development, prosperity to many people, and this should lead us to commit ourselves in the fate of this area".
Calama is in the north of Santiago (900 km), but it is not the only area that expresses to have real help from the central government. Even in the south, the population of Aysen has been demonstrating for months. The National Confederation of Students (Confech) has today called for a national march in support of the demands of the Social Movement of Aysen. The Chilean Episcopal Conference, through its President, Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, in a letter dated March 16 expressed concern about this situation of tension in Aysen and urged both sides to open up to dialogue to resolve the problems. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 21/3/2012)
