ASIA/INDIA - Negotiation for the two Italians kidnapped "has not started", the police ask Churches and NGOs for help

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Bhubaneshwar (Agenzia Fides) - "Negotiation for the release of the two Italians kidnapped in Orissa has not yet begun. The Maoist rebels want the government of Orissa to first meet the 13 conditions they demand. They do not ask for money, but above all the release of some prisoners", says to Fides Fr. Santosh Digal, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, in Orissa, and responsible of the Diocesan Office for Social Communications. The priest is now in the district of Kandhamal, where the kidnapping took place, and was sent by the Bishop to explore whether there are possibilities of mediation to facilitate the solution of Paul Bosusco and Claudio Colangelo’s kidnapping, which occured a few days ago. In fact, since many of the tribals in the district are Christians, the police have asked for help to Churches and NGOs of civil society, to activate all possible channels that are useful to the release of the two "on humanitarian grounds."
His Exc. Mgr. John Barwa, Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, today launched a new appeal for their release, saying that "all the faithful are praying to save the lives of two innocent people." In the district of Kandhamal (known for the anti-Christian massacres of 2008), among the tribal that the Maoist rebels defend, there are many Christian communities. The rebels (also known as "Naxalites") struggle especially against such phenomena as "land grabbing" (the hoarding of land by foreign companies), condemning the mining projects that disturb the life of tribal communities and produce displacement.
The Bishop's envoy tells Fides: "We are doing everything possible. Despite the work of two mediators, the rebels say that, until the government has met their conditions, the negotiation will not take off. The situation is difficult. The Churches have been active in trying to convince the kidnappers that the kidnapping of two innocent people is not a good means to achieve their goals". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 20/3/2012)
