AFRICA/MALI - As the conflict continues in the north, the Archbishop of Bamako invites "not to lose hope for peace"

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The conflict continues, but I can say that there is a strong mobilization to calm tempers. There are also several examples of solidarity on behalf of ordinary people, both towards the families of soldiers killed or wounded, and towards the displaced" says to Fides His Exc. Mgr. Jean Zerbo, Archbishop of Bamako, capital of Mali, whose northern area has long been ravaged by war conducted by the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (NMLA), which claims the independence of the area. According to agency sources, the NMLA troops have claimed the conquest of Amachach, the location where the last outpost of the Malian Army was to defend the town of Tessalit, not far from the border with Algeria.
In the north of Mali a radical movement has also appeared that claims to be affiliated to a wing of Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQMI). "The emergence of elements linked to radicalism has certainly further complicated the situation in the north of the Country" recognizes Mgr. Zerbo. "The radical Islamic groups are added to drug and arms traffickers and to independence. Thus there are three groups that make a complex situation that is not easy to manage. One must also bear in mind that these armed groups present act in a vast territory that they know perfectly well".
Mgr. Zerbo has not lost hope for peace: "The Christian community is engaged in these efforts and pray unceasingly for peace. At the end of every celebration and every meeting, in all the churches of Mali the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi to ask the Lord for the gift of peace is recited". Mgr. Zerbo adds: "We the representatives of the Catholic community, along with leaders of the Muslim and the Protestant community, we have launched an appeal for calm, solidarity and prayer"
The Archbishop of Bamako also states that "Government officials have held meetings with religious leaders and representatives of civil society to try to understand the problem of the claims of the north, which recurs periodically in order to develop a solution in the future."
Mgr. Zerbo concludes by launching a new appeal for the conversion of hearts to bring peace:
"We are in Lent: I ask all to dwell in their hearts the hope and trust in God. We are preparing for Holy Week: The Resurrection of Jesus is for me the sign that one day we manage to get on top of this situation". (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/3/2012)
