AMERICA/BOLIVIA - "The God of life does not want death": the appeal of Cardinal Terrazas after the recent episodes of violence

Monday, 12 March 2012

Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - We are called to urgent and concrete answers to everything that is opposed to life, because God's Word is clear when he says "Thou shalt not kill". In this, God is determined, clear and precise, "you cannot re-interpret the will of God, the God of life does not want death" said Cardinal Julio Terrazas, Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in his homily in the Cathedral in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio, Mgr. Giambattista Diquattro, deploring the lynchings and murders that have occurred recently. The Cardinal asked to stop these violent actions, rejecting " death given by human laws, they can always make mistakes and commit injustice, and death decided by some".
A week ago the community of Quila Quila (25 km from Sucre), the locals inhabitants grabbed two people who were stealing in the village church and, after binding and beating them, they were buried alive near the church. The police found the bodies after several attempts of dialogue with the locals, who kept saying "the people have carried out justice". Furthermore, 4 days ago, the intervention of the authorities alerted by a Catholic priest prevented the lynching of two alleged thieves, always by the inhabitants of Quila Quila. This is not the first time such incidents occur in the area (see Fides 23/09/2010).
In his homily, Cardinal Terrazas asked "not to repeat what happened in the past, and not to be fooled by those who hate and seek revenge, or by those who applaud increasingly severe measures but fail to reach the heart of what causes the damage, injury, evil". He also asked not to get used to hearing the words of death and revenge with one’s own hands, because in this way a dangerous culture of death in the family and the people is introduced. He invited all believers to use this time to "shake off the spiritual laziness in which we live and to ask the Lord to purify our minds and our hearts, and finally to rebuild our relationships with God and with our brothers and sisters". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/03/2012)
