ASIA/PAKISTAN - Women disfigured with acid: the first prosecution of an offender under the new law

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - Police in Faisalabad have officially registered today, March 10, the first case of a woman disfigured by acid, with the prosecution of the offender thanks to a new law, refer local sources of Fides. The "Acid Burn and Crime Bill 2012" is a new law which was passed recently by the Government through an amendment in the Pakistan Penal Code. The Assemblies in different Pakistani provinces have the power to ratify and apply it to stop a practice that affects about 100 women in Pakistan every year and has recently returned to international prominence thanks to the documentary film "Saving Face", which won an Academy Award , the first in the history of Pakistan.
The new law expands the powers of investigation, it intends to ensure a fair trial, provides medical care for victims, exacerbates the pain, trying to combat the impunity of these crimes, generated by a culture of abuse carried out by men against women. The NGOs also call for guarantees for the protection of victims and witnesses and support for the full rehabilitation of the victims, as well as a series of preventive measures.
According to the NGO "Acid Survivors Foundation", "this step of the investigators, but also the national and international broadcasting of the documentary, is a ray of hope for women victims of this heinous crime. It is necessary to spread awareness and promote solutions. "According to data of NGOs in Pakistan, annually reported cases of acid attacks are 100 (but many remain secret), and in the world there are 1,500 cases per year, especially in countries of South Asia and Southeast Asia. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 10/3/2012)
