AMERICA/MEXICO - The Pope in Mexico: the Church protagonist of the mass-media, full coverage on TV

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - For the first time, after five visits of the Blessed John Paul II in Mexico, the Mexican Church will be responsible for full television coverage of the Pope Benedict XVI’s visit in Mexico. This huge effort will help more than 100 television channels to bring to their audience the forthcoming visit of the Holy Father.
As reported to Fides, telecommunications technicians are preparing every detail for the Pope's presence in the diocese of León. The international signal will be available to all the media who want to use live images. In this technological effort the Television Center of the Mexican state, and the Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) are collaborating.
Luis Carlos Frias, head of the Commission of the CEM, said: "The international signal will have no logo or brand for the transmission, it will be generated by a team of the Mexican television and distributed for the first time by the Catholic Church." The television network will be offered, fiber optic services, ground satellite unit, the International Broadcasting Center in high definition, the booking, the play-out. As far as technology is concerned, "for the first time, the Church will not see the Pope on television, but we will offer this service," said Frias.
In addition, the CEM has already provided a large infrastructure to cover and broadcast all over the world the Pope's visit to Mexico. In the Bicentennial Park in Guanajuato, where Benedict XVI will celebrate Mass with all the people, there will be 17 cameras to cover every aspect of the ceremony. There are also documentaries, feature films, interviews and video clips, prepared to meet the information needs of television channels, also on the situation of the Church in Mexico and around the world. These productions were carried out by agencies and Catholic institutions in Mexico, such as the "Guadalupe Communications" and the Pontifical Mission Societies. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 10/3/2012)
