ASIA/SYRIA - The Apostolic Vicar: "Kofi Annan come without prejudice or pre-packaged instructions"

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) – There is a chance for peace in Syria if there is an observer like Kofi Annan "listen and enter into the psychology of the Syrian people", says to Fides the Franciscan Fr. Giuseppe Nazzaro, OFM, Apostolic Vicar of Aleppo. The Vicar launches an appeal to the guest of the United Nations, in these days in Syria: "Come to truly enter into the open issues, without prejudice and without carrying instructions for pre-packaged solutions. If you are biased, you will not solve anything." "Annan’s visit – explains Fr. Nazzaro - has a real chance for peace if the leader is able to enter into the psychology and the life of the Syrian people. The key solution can be to listen to the government and opposition, society, minorities, without undergoing the conditioning external forces and pressures from other states".
"The Syrian issue – he continues - is necessarily included in the context of the Middle East and its recent changes, analyzing the overall picture. The situation in Syria is not new but it has ancient roots. When dealing with it, what must be taken into consideration is the history, culture, expectations of all the people".
"Every country has something to improve: the West helps to correct and improve Syria without imposing their own ideology, but giving a mature consciousness. This must be understood by the West, entering the minds of the Syrians. You cannot think only of the economic situation, trade, geopolitical interests", notes the Vicar.
As a Christian community, which in Syria represents 8% of the population, "we live this difficult moment waiting and praying. Syria is a country that so far has given us assurances, preserving the Christian communities, in practice and in respect of faith. The Syrian Christians are afraid towards a future change that could lead to suffering and persecution: see what happened in Iraq or Egypt. Our hope is national reconciliation and pacification of the country, respecting the rights and dignity of every human being". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 10/03/2012)
