ASIA/INDIA - Italian Militaries in Kerala: "The Church has confidence in the Court, so that the truth emerges"

Friday, 9 March 2012

New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - The Indian Church has full confidence in the Upper Court of Kerala, called to settle the controversy concerning the two Italian soldiers, currently under arrest in Trivandrum (in Kerala). The two, who were on board the Italian tanker "Enrica Lexie", are accused of killing two Indian fishermen, mistaking them for pirates. The High Court is considering the recourse of the Italian government to determine if the jurisdiction of the case is Indian or Italian, depending on whether the ship was in international waters or Indian waters. "It is important that the truth in this matter emerges on the facts. We believe that the High Court of Kerala will discuss the issue with transparency and impartiality, taking the right decision", Fr. Babu Joseph Karakombil, Spokesman of the Episcopal Conference of India said to Fides. According to Fr. Karakombil, the Indian Church "wishes truth and justice are respected, prays for the victims and waits with serenity and confidence the work of the judiciary". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 09/03/2012)
