ASIA/PAKISTAN - Protestant Pastor stabbed by Islamic extremists, saved by a miracle

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The Evangelical Christian Pastor John Pervaiz was attacked and stabbed by a group of Islamic extremists who wanted to kill him. The attack took place in past days, for reasons entirely unknown in Kasur in Punjab province, where the Pastor resides. As reported to Fides by the Pakistani NGO LEAD ("Legal Evangelical Association Development"), the Pastor suffered several stabbed wounds to the abdomen and was taken to hospital and spent a few days between life and death, on the danger list. Now he seems out of danger, "saved by a miracle". These unprovoked attacks, note sources of Fides, "happen because of religious hatred, on charges of proselytizing or because Christians are disliked by Islamic fundamentalists".
Pastor Pervaiz is a member of the "Church of Pakistan", a Protestant Christian denomination that, for 14 years, has been leading the worship in Kasur, under the leadership of Bishop Robert Azraiya, well-known activist for peace, harmony and the rights of minorities. As reported by some local faithful, the two attackers were identified as Ghulam Muhammad and Ashfaq Rassol, but have taken flight, and have not yet been traced. The LEAD organization has already submitted an official complaint to the police (First Information Report) to request the arrest of the culprits, while the Pastor’s family is terrified because of the attack. The local community is constantly praying for the Pastor’s salvation, so that "his mission of proclaiming the Gospel can continue". The faithful ask the support of all Christians in the country and abroad, "to support the persecuted Churches in Pakistan". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 08/03/2012)
