AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - The problem of Haitian migration, priorities for the Bishops’ meeting

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - The bishops of the Dominican Republic and Haiti will meet next Monday, March 12 in Santo Domingo to analyze the problems of the two nations and the progress of the process of rebuilding the country devastated by the earthquake in January 2010.
The Dominican Episcopal Conference and the Episcopal Conference of Haiti usually meet at least every two years to address common issues of both local churches and even social issues common to both countries.
Among the topics that are proposed for the agenda of this meeting are the migration from Haiti to the Dominican Republic, the relationship of the two people’s and development on the border. Certainly we will discuss the reconstruction of Haiti, the international community's role in this process and will consider actions to be taken together by both the Episcopal Conferences.
The meeting will begin on Monday evening and will end Wednesday at noon, after which the bishops will issue a joint document. From Haiti the archbishops of Port au Prince and Cap Haitien will participate, respectively Mgr. Guire Poulard and Louis Kebreau. Mgr. Kebreau is president of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti. There will also be bishops from Fort-Liberté, Hinche, Les Gonaives, Port de Paix, Anse-à-Veau and Miragoane, Jacmel, Jeremie, Les Cayes.
From the Dominican Republic, the titular bishops, bishops emeritus and auxiliaries will be present, who are led by Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez as President of the Dominican Episcopal Conference. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 07/03/2012)
