ASIA/INDIA - Women’s rights and development: a commitment of Caritas India, which celebrates 50 years

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Bhopal (Agenzia Fides) - Emancipation of women, ensuring women rights and development in the social, economic and political field; services to the poor and marginalized groups such as Dalits, outcasts and indigenous people; programs in the agricultural field; fight against corruption; work of formation of consciences to values such as transparency and justice; defense of the environment: are the main areas of commitment of Caritas India, the leading Indian NGO, which in 2012 celebrates 50 years since its foundation. In a convention held recently in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, civil, political and religious authorities praised the results and work of the organization, expression of the attention of the Indian Catholic Church at the service of the poor and the marginalized.
Caritas India, founded in 1962, works with over 300 partner organizations in all states of the country. It has achieved so far 22,551 projects for a total expenditure of over 14 billion rupees in programs of humanitarian aid, development and cooperation. Mgr. Leo Cornelio, Archbishop of Bhopal, remarked that "India, given the increasing number of poor people, needs organizations such as Caritas, which translates Christian values in social action".
Among the latest works, Caritas India has built 14,000 houses for tsunami-affected communities, 12,000 homes for the victims of the earthquake in Gujarat and has provided relief to people affected by all the major natural disasters that have hit the country. Caritas India has helped to raise awareness of marginalized communities, helping them to assert their political, economic, and social rights. In Madhya Pradesh, 350 thousand families benefited from Caritas aid. Many women who have benefited Caritas programs have been elected in the local administration of villages and towns. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/03/2012)
