AMERICA/MEXICO - The Archdiocese of Mexico calls for "respect" for everything the Pope will say

Monday, 5 March 2012

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Archdiocese of Mexico has called for "respect" for Pope Benedict XVI, who from March 23 to 26 will visit the country, and recalled that the Pope can say what he wants with regards to "our political and social reality" during his visit. "There really is no theme or issue beyond the concern of the Church in the midst of society, so there is no issue that the Pope may omit in his religious and social message," reports the diocesan weekly "Desde la Fe" in its editorial published yesterday and sent to Fides.
The Mexican Constitution expressly provides, in Article 130, paragraph E, that no religious representative may, in public meetings or acts of worship, "oppose the laws of the country and its institutions, nor in any way offend patriotic symbols." This article interprets the "historical principle of the separation between Church and State" in this country of secular tradition. The editorial says that "there are environments of the Mexican society that oppose to expressions of faith and, therefore, are contrary to what might be said by Benedict XVI." "However, beyond the interest to listen to him or not, we expect on behalf of everyone respect for what he represents and makes concrete" refers the editorial. "Where there is intelligence there is dialogue, where there is no intelligence there are attacks and insults. Pope Benedict XVI is a man of great intelligence, and a person willing to respectful, fair and transparent dialogue," adds the weekly magazine. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 05/03/2012)
