ASIA/PAKISTAN - Two Christians injured by a group of armed Muslims: accusations of "conversions"

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - Two Christians were wounded by a Muslim armed group who burst into an Evangelical church and in the attached residence in Faisalabad. The incident, which occurred a few days ago, after other incidents of intimidation, was confirmed to Fides by the Commission "Justice and Peace" of the Diocese of Faisalabad, reporting that the reason of the attack is the charge of conversion and proselytism charged to the Evangelical Pastor Altaf Khan, of the "Grace Church". A Muslim family was outraged by the successful conversion of a Muslim woman to Christianity, and therefore sought revenge. Since the Pastor was not at home, the two poor workers paid the expense: Sajid Masih was reached by the blows of a firearm and is in critical condition in hospital; Bota Masih has a broken leg, as he was thrown off a roof. The situation is now calm, but the police have not even tried to arrest the culprits, notes a source of Fides in the Commission.
There is strong resentment towards Pastor Khan, accused of "proselytism among Muslims", which is not permitted by the Islamic religion. "In fact the approach of some evangelical Pastors, rather insistent, can cause violent reactions," notes the source of Fides. Christians should be "more careful in the witness and proclamation" the source of Fides remarks, "leaving it to the recipients of the message to ask to know Christ and to begin the catechumenate journey."
The Pastor declared that "extremist groups want to stop our work of evangelization." "Every act of violence is deplorable," concludes the source of Fides, "but in a social environment like Pakistan where intolerance is ready to explode, one must exercise prudence and intelligence even in the activity of proclaiming the Gospel, in order not to offer extremist groups excuses for acts of violence. " (PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/2/2012)
