AMERICA/CHILE - "The people of Aysén claim justice and assistance," Mgr. Infanti asks the path of dialogue

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Aysen (Agenzia Fides) - "Our people loudly demand justice. All the issues raised in the requests reflect a lack of attention on behalf of the State. And I say State, not government, because this is not to be against this Government or against the previous or against the next. Our requests have been made for several years, despite the commitments and signed documents. This creates discontent and pushes the community’s patience to the limit,": this is what His Exc. Mgr. Luigi Infanti della Mora, O.S.M., Vicar Apostolic of Aysen says in one of several interviews released to the media in past days concerning some requests on behalf of the local people for justice and assistance from the state.
The Bishop also underlined that representatives of the social movement in the area are united in their requests and there is no political manipulation in the movement. More than 200 young people blocked the access road to the village and clashed violently with the police who had to use anti-demonstration tools to disperse them. The situation degenerated into violence because the government ignored the demands of the demonstrators, structured in 10 points, which were submitted a week before. However it was not only the population of Aysén to submit requests, even the areas of Calama and Arica presented similar petitions about the fact that the government does not take into account, and this causes growing discontent. Among the main demands, there are infrastructures, subsidies for small and average size businesses, better working conditions ... Piñera’s government has decided to send 2 Ministers (transport and health) to open a dialogue, but people still want the situation in which the Patagonia Chileans live to be heard throughout the country, in the south and away from everything and everyone.
In the note sent by the Episcopal Conference of Chile to Fides, we read the powerful words of the Apostolic Vicar: "Here we live in a situation of injustice, especially with regard to other places. For example, the other day there was an accident in San Pedro de Atacama (Region II): the storms destroyed the homes of 15 families, and three ministers immediately went to that area. Here is an entire region that has been complaining for a long time and nothing happens. This lack of justice and assistance, we believe is the greatest violence against the Aysen region. That is why these reactions exist. Of course, we regret that there are situations of violence, but we believe that their origin is due to injustice," said Mgr. Infanti. On Wednesday, February 22, in an interview with Radio Cooperativa, the Bishop argued that the capacity for dialogue could greatly facilitate the solution of these problems. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 23/2/2012)
