ASIA/CHINA - Moral and material fasting, to be reconciled with God and with others: the Chinese Catholics live Lent in communion with the universal Church

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Beijing (Agenzia Fides) - Moral and material fasting, to be reconciled with God and with others is the invitation that the Chinese priests addressed to the faithful during Mass on Ash Wednesday, celebrated yesterday in all the communities, which marks the beginning of the 40-day Lenten journey, in communion with the universal Church. According to information Fides received by Faith of He Bei, the Catholic communities solemnly celebrated Mass with the blessing and imposition of the Ashes, even bringing them to the elderly, the sick and those living in remote areas.
Over 200 faithful attended the Eucharist at the Cathedral of the Diocese of Zhou Cun, in the Shan Dong province, presided by the elder Diocesan Bishop Mgr. Wang, concelebrated by diocesan priests. In his homily, delivered by a priest, the Lenten commitments were highlighted: " charity, fasting and prayer, reconciliation with God and with others." Furthermore, " fasting must not only be material," limited to food, but "the fasting of the mouth, ears and eyes" is also necessary to refrain from saying, from hearing and seeing things that do not conform to the Christian faith Only then "our everyday life to get a new life in the Lord" can it be renewed.
After the Mass celebrated in the parish, many priests of the diocese of San Yuan, accompanied by the women religious and lay people went to the basic ecclesial communities and families to bring the ashes to those who cannot go to church or live in more remote areas, and especially to those who will be baptized at Easter. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 23/2/2012)
