AMERICA/BOLIVIA - The country affected by rains, floods and an epidemic of dengue

Monday, 20 February 2012

La Paz (Agenzia Fides) - Landslides alarm and swollen rivers in Bolivia, where 6,585 families have been displaced in the last two months and where there have been 7 deaths so far. The regions most affected are those of Oruro, La Paz, Potosi and Chuquisaca. Moreover, according to official sources, since October a wave of dengue fever has caused 16 deaths in the region. The rains have caused 4 deaths in La Paz and 3 in the eastern region of Santa Cruz, while according to the Ministry of Health, in Cochabamba dengue has caused 6 victims, as well as in Santa Cruz and other 4 in Beni. Families who have suffered major damage due to the rains are 1,578 in Oruro, , 1,539 in La Paz, 1,461 in Potosí and 1,000 in Chuquisaca. The bad season, as every year, has encouraged an epidemic of dengue, especially in the eastern part of Bolivia, with a high alert in Santa Cruz and Beni. Of 1,600 people infected, more than half are in the region of Santa Cruz, on the border with Brazil and Paraguay. The years in which there were more deaths due to this pandemic were in Bolivia in 2011, with 47 victims, and 2009, with 22. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 20/2/2012)
