AMERICA/BRAZIL - "Clean Ballot" and the situation of indigenous people: the voice of the Bishops

Friday, 17 February 2012

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The Presidency of the Brazilian Bishops Conference (CNBB) informed of the issues discussed during the Pastoral Episcopal Council Pastoral (CONSEP), on the 14, 15 and 16 February. The press conference was attended by the President of the CNBB, Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis; the Vice President, Mgr. José Belisario da Silva; the Secretary General, Mgr. Leonardo Ulrich Steiner.
In the note sent to Fides by the Episcopal Conference of Brazil, says that the Bishops spoke of the law of "Clean Ballot", whose constitutionality is questioned from day 15 in the Superior Federal Tribunal (STF); of the situation of the indigenous people Guarani Kaiowá, in Mato Grosso do Sul; of the functions of the National Justice Council (CNJ), which since the beginning of this month has full powers granted by the Supreme Court of the country.
Cardinal Damasceno Assis underlined first of all, that the law of the "Clean Ballot" is a popular initiative with the collection of 1 and a half million signatures. "I had the opportunity to be present at the plenary of the Supreme Court, to give a demonstration of support for this supplementary law," the Cardinal said, noting that the CNBB was one of the main institutions that promoted the collection of signatures in favor the law.
The Secretary General of the CNBB, Mgr. Leonardo Ulrich Steiner, who has recently visited some villages and communities of indigenous Guarani Kaiowa in the southern state of Mato Grosso do Sul, informed the press about the degrading situation in which these people live: "For the indigenous people the land is fundamental. When I spoke with them, I was struck by the story of some people: Some boys and girls even hang themselves because they had no prospects. They are people who cannot express their culture."
The National Council of Justice, the Secretary General of the CNBB said that the Supreme Federal Tribunal (STF) has provided a service to Brazil. "Once again, the Supreme Federal Tribunal gives Brazil the possibility to have institutions that help ensure greater transparency as regards to justice. Who won this time was the same Supreme Federal Tribunal, the judges and the Brazilian society", said Mgr.Ulrich Steiner. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 17/2/2012)
