VATICAN - The Pope to the African and European Bishops: the Church in the two continents "is alive, she is growing, and is not afraid to carry out her evangelizing mission"

Friday, 17 February 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Your symposium has given you the chance to reflect upon the problems of the Church on the two continents.Certainly, they is no lack of difficulties, and some of them are great; yet they are also proof that the Church is alive, that she is growing, and is not afraid to carry out her evangelizing mission. To do this, she needs the prayer and commitment of all the faithful": Pope Benedict XVI underlined during a hearing on February 16 to the participants in the Simposium of the Council of the European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE) and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM/SCEAM), which was held recently in Rome on the theme: "Evangelization today: pastoral communion and cooperation between Africa and Europe. Man and God: the Church's mission to proclaim the presence and love of God". In his speech, the Pontiff reiterated that "evangelism is part of the vocation of all the baptized, which is a vocation to holiness. Christians who have a living faith and are open to the Holy Spirit become witnesses in word and life of the Gospel of Christ. The Pastors, however, are given a special responsibility".
Giving thanks to God "for the spiritual fruits of the relations of friendship and cooperation between the ecclesial communities" with regards to the two Continents, the Pope said: "Starting from cultural, different social and economic backgrounds, you have enhanced the common apostolic tension to announce to your people Jesus Christ and his Gospel, in the style of 'gift exchange'. Continue this fruitful road to brotherhood and unity of industrious purpose, increasingly broadening the horizons of evangelization". So he recommended to "keep in mind the essential link between faith and charity, because they illuminate each other in their truth."
Looking at the current challenges that the Bishops of the two continents are facing, Benedict XVI quoted primarily religious indifference, in a secularised environment often hostile to the Christian faith. "Another challenge for the proclamation of the Gospel is hedonism, which has helped to make the crisis of values penetrate into daily life, in family structure. Another symptom of serious social malaise is the spread of such things as pornography and prostitution, "The Pontiff urged not to be discouraged, however, counting on the fact that "the risen Christ is always with us".
Among the recommendations addressed to the Episcopate of the two continents, the Holy Father reiterated the central role the family plays in pastoral care because it is " the firmest guarantee for the renewal of society"; therefore the promotion of vocations to priesthood and consecrated life, the care of young people ("follow with special attention their human and spiritual growth, encouraging also voluntary initiatives which can have educational value"), and the promotion of "every form of authentic culture" so that "the light of the Gospel enters the cultural fabric elevating it and making its riches fruitful." (SL) (Agenzia Fides 17/2/2012)
