ASIA/CHINA - The centenary death of Fr. Mattia Leopoldo Guo Ji Fen, "a model of faithfulness to Christ, zealous evangelist, at the service of the faithful until the end"

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Taiyuan (Agenzia Fides) - "His life of true dedication to serving the Lord is a true model for us all priests, men and women religious and lay faithful. We must imitate his fidelity to Christ, his zeal for evangelism and the great sense of service to the faithful". This is how His Exc. Mgr. Paolo Meng Ningyou, Coadjutor of the diocese of Taiyuan (anointed with the Holy See's approval on September 16, 2010, of which the Chinese Authorities have allowed the ordination), described Fr. Mattia Leopoldo Guo Ji Fen, a Franciscan centenary, who returned to the Father's house yesterday, February 15, of the diocese of Taiyuan in the Shan Xi Province, in mainland China. Fr. Guo dedicated his life to the Chinese mission, even during the most critical moments for the Church, and never hesitated to proclaim the Gospel, to pursue his mission of evangelization, despite 25 years in prison.
Fr. Guo was born on February 18, 1913 (according to Chinese tradition, the age is calculated from the moment of conception and not from birth, so he was 100 years old) in the village of Shui Gou, in Taiyuan. In September 1926 he entered the Minor Seminary in Taiyuan, on February 12, 1931 he became a novice of the Franciscan Seminary. He professed his first three years of temporary vows on February 13, 1932, taking the religious name of Leopoldo, and on September 3, 1935 the solemn vows. He was ordained a priest on World Mission Sunday on 24 October 1937 by Mgr. Agapito Fiorentini, OFM (1866-1941), from 1924 to 1940 he was Apostolic Vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of Taiyuan. After ordination he was pastor, rector of the minor seminary, diocesan chancellor. In September 1955 he was imprisoned until April 1980 and spent 25 years in prison and labor camps for reeducation. As soon as he was released, he started his pastoral work as parish priest and in April 1985 he became treasurer of the Major Seminary of St. John of Monte Corvino. From 27 March 1996 he was at rest, but he always continued to evangelize to the end of his earthly life. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 16/2/2012)
