AMERICA/HONDURAS - "Despicable inhuman conditions of life and insecurity": the Bishop of Comayagua after the fire that killed 272 inmates

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Comayagua (Agenzia Fides) - There are now 272 confirmed deaths in the fire which broke out on the night of February 15 in the prison in Comayagua, in Honduras. The number of injured, hospitalized, is about sixty. The figures, provided by the responsible of the prison administration and medical sources, unfortunately, are provisional, as the fire brigade spokesman said it was still impossible to ascertain both exactly the number of deaths and that of possible escapees. There were 852 inmates in the prison.
Caritas Honduras has published a statement on behalf of the Bishop of the area, His Exc. Mgr. Roberto Camilleri, OFM, Bishop of the Diocese of Comayagua, the document is signed by the presbytery of the diocese, of which a copy was sent to Fides. Here is the text: "The Catholic Church of the Diocese of Comayagua deeply regrets what happened during the worst tragedy in the history of prisons in our country ... We invite everyone, with a common effort, to alleviate the most urgent needs of survivors and families affected. We are sorry that this is the third incident that occurs in prisons in Honduras, with the aggravating circumstance that the jail penalty of Comayagua was considered the highest level of national security.
We believe the inhuman conditions of life of insecurity and the terrible overcrowding of the prison population that exists in our country are deplorable. In particular, the Centre of Comayagua was built to accommodate 250 persons, whilst the population amounted to 852 prisoners. We invite all the institutions of the Honduran society to ask our authorities to ensure the protection and dignity of prisoners, in order not to repeat a sad tragedy like this, involving so many families in Honduras. We ask the Christian community to offer their prayers to the God of life, so that he may welcome our departed brothers and sisters in his glory, and to the relatives we say you are not alone, but God is with you in these difficult times".(CE) (Agenzia Fides, 16/02/2012)
