AFRICA/DR CONGO- A "juvenile court" to ensure respect for the rights of even the youngest

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - For several months a "juvenile court", has been active in Kinshasa, an important achievement for the Congolese society. "After the promulgation of the law in January 2009 for the protection of children's rights, the Supreme Court has finally approved the erection of the juvenile court", is what is read in a note from Kinshasa on behalf of fr. Mauro Cecchinato, Guanellian, responsible for the rehabilitation centers for street children of the Servants of Charity. "Now all children residing in our centers have been reported to the court; a recognition of their rights. The problems that have estranged children from the family is thought to be due to the phenomenon of witchcraft and abuse, which now have become punishable by law. Every time we reintegrate a child in the family or extended parental nucleus, parents and relatives sign a document confirming the family reintegration. Any abuse will be brought before the law. We hope that this event will not only give families a sense of responsibility, but in particular brings about a form of cultural change in the Congolese society, in relation to their vision of smaller children", concludes the Guanellian. The Servants of Charity are present in Kinshasa with a mobile team of health care and prevention, a first aid center, a dispensary, three foyers for the accompaniment of the weakest. For them schooling and professional guidance for 15-16-year-olds is provided. A community residential farm in rural areas to train 20 young people in agriculture and breeding. Among other initiatives, last year a primary school was built in the area, with over 200 students, two labs, a carpentry shop and a bakery, for the adolescents’ professional training. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 14/2/2012)
