ASIA/CHINA - We welcome the Year of Faith with great commitment to evangelization: the exhortation of the Bishop of Feng Xiang to the priests

Monday, 13 February 2012

Feng Xiang (Agenzia Fides) - With great commitment to evangelization and new evangelization, we welcome the Year of Faith, as indicated by Pope Benedict XVI: this is the exhortation that His Exc Mgr. Li Jing Feng, 91-year-old Bishop of the Diocese of Feng Xiang in the province of Shaan Xi in mainland China, addressed the diocesan priests and religious who work in the diocese, during the Annual Meeting, held from February 7 to 10 in the Cathedral. Mgr. Li Jing Feng is one of the Chinese bishops who had been invited by Pope Benedict XVI to attend the XI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist, in October 2005.
According to what was reported to Fides by Faith of He Bei, 45 priests attended the meeting during which they heard the report of the pastoral and missionary work carried out in 2011, the projects for 2012, and the speech of their elderly Bishop, who gave strict guidelines on the conduct of priests. According to Mgr. Li Jing Feng "every priest should be worthy of his role, according to what the Church has taught us, without falling into the traps of the devil" that currently presents itself in the secularization, in Liberalism and so-called Modernism. The priest "should focus on parish pastoral in harmony with the diocese, which this year is mobilized to the new evangelization, welcoming the Year of the Faith. Obviously the Holy Scripture, the Magisterium of the Church, especially the documents of II Vatican Council - whose 50 years of opening marked the beginning of the Year of Faith - Prayer and spirituality are personal references are always valid". Only in this way "we can lead the faithful to Christ".
The Diocese of Feng Xiang is divided into 4 deaneries and 30 parishes, more than 20,000 faithful, 38 priests (of whom 18 religious) and 60 women religious who belong to 3 congregations for women (Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the Little Sisters of Santa Teresa). The diocese was founded as a Franciscan mission, and today the devotees of the Saint of Assisi continue to animate the diocese. In the diocese there are two Marian shrines and a cemetery for Catholic priests. The diocese also operates several social service organizations such as clinics and orphanages. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 13/2/2012)
