ASIA/PAKISTAN - Premier committed for trial, civil society: "The government is not above the law"

Monday, 13 February 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - The political authorities of Pakistan, such as Prime Minister Gilani and President Ali Zardari "are not above the law, they have to respect the Constitution and the rule of law, or they cannot represent the democratic institutions": This is the Christian lawyer Naeem Shakir key to the reading, who in an interview with Fides talked about the current national political delicate moment.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan has in fact committed Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani for trial on charges of "insulting the judges". The Prime Minister is accused of not having ordered, as indicated by the Court, investigations on President Asif Ali Zardari, accused of corruption and money-laundering. Gilani risks jail and being banned from all public offices. The story could strongly affect the credibility of institutions and cause a period of instability for the country.
According to Naeem Shakir, engaged in the defense of cases of blasphemy and defender of human rights, "the political leaders of the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), such as Gilani and Zardari, try to present the story as a conflict of powers. But the point is that everyone, first of all our leaders, must obey the law and if they do not, a court case against them is legitimate and proper".
"I believe that the PPP - lawyer Shakir continues - who introduces himself as champion of secularism and democracy, has disappointed many voters, and now try to drag the case until the elections next March, when they will vote for the Senate". The danger of the advance of extremist Islamic parties, Shakir explains to Fides: "The political instability could produce a deterioration of religious minorities conditions. But in society there are social forces, political parties and religious groups, which promote an authentic idea of secularism, democracy, respect for human rights of all and of all religions, which we hope will have the confidence of voters". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/2/2012)
