ASIA/PAKISTAN - There will be the first Christian Senator in the history of Pakistan

Monday, 13 February 2012

Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - Kamran Michael, a Christian politician who is an active member of the "Pakistan Muslim League-N", will be the first Christian Senator in the history of the country. The Party, in fact, has nominated him as leader for the seats reserved for religious minorities, in the election of the Senate to be held in March. The 100 Senate seats are assigned half through elections held every three years and the remaining seats are occupied according to the directions of the Provincial Assemblies and political parties in proportion to their presence in Parliament. The parties have the opportunity to reserve a seat for religious minorities (Hindus and Christians) to a maximum of 4 seats in the Assembly. The PML-N which, according to calculations, will be entitled to a seat for minorities, has indicated the name of Kamran Michael, who already holds the post of Minister of Finance and Minister for Minorities in the Province of Punjab. The presence of Michael in the Senate "is a good sign for the Christian community" note sources of Fides. But, according to some observers, Kamran Michael "traded" this appointment with the demolition of the Institute of Caritas "Gosha-e-Aman ", which took place recently in Lahore. In fact, Michael is accused of having helped some members of his party to continue the operation, in order to get political benefit.
The 4 seats reserved for religious minorities in the Senate are a result of the policy of the Catholic Shabhaz Bhatti, the late Federal Minister for Minorities, killed a year ago. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/2/2012)
