ASIA/INDIA - The High Court of Kashmir blocks the Islamic Court and saves Pastor Khanna

Monday, 13 February 2012

Srinagar (Agenzia Fides) - The High Court of the state of Jammu and Kashmir has revoked the charges against the Christian Pastor C.M. Khanna, establishing the protection of constitutional guarantees and his right to reside in India. The Court, local sources refer to Fides, has also ordered the end of each activity of the police investigation on the case, believing unfounded charges of "sowing religious hostility" against the Pastor. The Court ruling was welcomed by the local Christians: the "Global Council of Indian Christians", in a statement sent to Fides, said that "the cancellation of the charges is a move in the right direction to curb the militants and to ensure respect for the rule of law". Judge J.P. Singh of the High Court, Civil Court to which Khanna had filed an appeal, issued an order suspending the proceedings against the Pastor, warning the state government and the Chief of the Police of Kashmir to comply with these provisions.
Khanna, Christian Pastor of the "All Saints Church" of Srinagar, was accused of proselytism towards Muslim children and instigator of "religious hostility" towards the Islamic community. The Pastor was arrested (illegally, according to the Christians) and an Islamic court, after a summary trial and under pressure from extremist groups, had declared him guilty (see Fides 13/01/2012). On 19 January the Islamic Court had issued a deportation order against Khanna, against the Catholic missionary Fr. Jim Borst and three other Christians. The civil society groups, Christians and non-Christians pointed out that "the Islamic Court has no legal power and no jurisdiction in the Indian Union", calling for "the restoration of the law and the intervention of federal organs" (Fides 24/1/2012).
The story was the detonator of a new explosion of intolerance and religious extremism in Kashmir, the Indian state with a Muslim majority, which is directed in particular against the educational institutions run by the Christian minority in the state (see Fides 30/01/2012 ). Local Christians hope that the verdict of the Court "will serve to restore peace and harmony in Kashmir." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 13/2/2012)
