VATICAN - Pope's appeal "to end violence and bloodshed" in Syria and for the people of Sahel

Monday, 13 February 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "An urgent appeal for an end to violence and bloodshed" in Syria was launched by the Holy Father Benedict XVI at the end of the Angelus on Sunday 12 February, with these words: "I am following with great concern the dramatic and growing incidents of violence in Syria. In past days they caused numerous deaths. I remember in prayer the victims, several of whom are children, the wounded and all those who suffer the consequences of an increasingly worrying conflict. Moreover I renew a pressing appeal to put an end to violence and bloodshed. Finally, I invite everyone - and above all the political authorities in Syria - to favor dialogue, reconciliation and a commitment to peace. It is urgent to respond to the legitimate aspirations of the different sections of the nation, as well as the auspices of the international community, concerned about the common good of society and the Region".
Receiving in audience members of the "John Paul II Foundation for Sahel", on February 10, the Holy Father launched a new appeal for Sahel, threatened by famine, drought and desertification. "Unfortunately Sahel in recent months, was again seriously threatened by a significant decrease in food supply and famine caused by the lack of rain and the constantly advancing desert that goes with it - said the Pope -. I urge the international community to seriously consider the extreme poverty of these people whose living conditions are deteriorating. I would also like to encourage and support the efforts of ecclesial bodies working in this area". In his speech the Holy Father said: " Very often Africa is described, in a reductive and often humiliating manner as a continent of conflicts and infinite and insoluble problems.On the contrary, Africa which today welcomes the Good News, is for the Church the continent of hope. For us, for you, Africa is the continent of the future". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 13/2/2012)
