VATICAN - The story of Jesus of Nazareth, in whose name even today many believers face suffering and persecution, cannot remain confined in a distant past

Friday, 10 February 2012

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The story of Jesus of Nazareth, in whose name still many believers in different countries of the world face suffering and persecution, cannot therefore be confined in a distant past, but it is decisive for our faith today ", writes the Holy Father Benedict XVI in his message sent to Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, on the occasion of the International Conference" Jesus, our contemporary " held in Rome from 9 to 11 February . In the message, the Pope highlights that "Many signals reveal how the name and message of Jesus of Nazareth, even in such distracted and confused times, often find interest and exert a strong attraction ... so we are challenged to inspire in ourselves and everywhere, a deeper and more complete understanding of the real figure of Jesus Christ".
The Holy Father goes on to assert the priority of "opening a road to God in the hearts and lives of men" and on the state of being contemporary of Jesus of Nazareth, who lived two thousand years ago, with every man and woman living today and in every age, explains: "Jesus has entered human history for ever and will continue to live with his beauty and power, in that frail body, and always in need of purification, but also immensely filled with divine love, which is the Church ... Jesus’ state of being contemporary is revealed especially in the Eucharist, where He is present with his passion, death and resurrection. This is the reason that makes the contemporary Church of every man, capable of embracing all men and all ages because guided by the Holy Spirit in order to continue the work of Jesus in history".(SL) (Agenzia Fides 10/02/2012)
