AMERICA/ECUADOR - 25 years later, a blog remembers Mgr. Alejandro Labaka and Sister Ines Arango

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Aguarico (Agenzia Fides) - On July 21, 1987, the Capuchin Bishop Mgr. Alejandro Labaka, Apostolic Vicar of Aguarico and Sister Ines Arango, of the Capuchin Tertiary Sisters of the Holy Family, both missionaries in the Amazon of Ecuador,were killed by the spears of the natives Huaorani. Before the exploitation of natural resources by the major oil companies, the Bishop had bravely defended the rights of indigenous minorities. Paradoxically, the natives of the area, living in the anguish of always feeling attacked, killed the two missionaries who had offered their support and protection. After 25 years since their death, a blog commemorates the life and work of the missionaries.
In the biographical section of Mgr. Labaka one reads: "what was most valuable to him were the words of Paul VI in November 1965, with an encouraging smile he said: 'Courage, courage!', Referring to his work with the indigenous Huaorani. He was questioning what is most important, what is a priority: the life of people or the exploitation of natural resources. For the Bishop the life of the indigenous was a top priority and this is why he can be considered, in all truth, a martyr in defense of the indigenous life and culture. This seemed so crazy, but since his death, his words, his effort and his death have opened a road ... ". (CE) (Agenzia Fides 09/02/2012)
