ASIA/CHINA - The path of Evangelization continues waiting for the Year of Faith

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Lin He (Agenzia Fides) - Continue to pursue the path of evangelization to welcome the Year of Faith: was the central theme of the second meeting of the parish of Lin He, in Inner Mongolia, which was held on Sunday, February 5 . According to what Faith of He Bei refers to Fides, during the meeting the pastor summed up the pastoral work carried out in the past year. According to the pastor "the parish has multiplied the announcement and formation in the field of liturgy and catechism; the welcoming of the faithful and the unfaithful was re-organized, to open the door to evangelization; the faithful elders mobilized to promote popular catechism; different service groups were activated in the social and charitable field.... Only last year there were 120 baptisms, and the parish was able to buy a room in the rural area turning it into a chapel". Looking at the new year which has just begun, the pastor pointed out that "the parish continues to promote the catechism lesson for those who are estranged from the Church, encouraging the faithful to give great importance to Christ, the Sacred Scripture and live an intense spiritual life, to accommodate Christians and non Christians awaiting the Year of the Faith". The pastor finally addressed this exhortation to the faithful: "continuing the process of evangelization, open wide the doors to the Year of the Faith, to receive the fruits of faith". (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 07/02/2012)
