ASIA/AFGHANISTAN - Reconciliation and peace with the Taliban: the desire of the Afghan civil society

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Herat (Agenzia Fides) - The Afghan civil society supports a full reconciliation with the Taliban movement and a political-diplomatic solution to the Afghan theater: So says a study published today, entitled "Foreign troops in the eyes of Afghans," promoted by the Italian NGO "Intersos", active with operations unit in Afghanistan, Pakistan and about 20 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe. The research, sent to Fides by the author, the researcher Giuliano Battiston was carried out by listening to representatives of Afghan civil society (civil and religious leaders, journalists, women, heads of associations) in Herat, Farah, Badghis, where there are locations of the ISAF-NATO military command.
The "negotiated solutions" to the conflict with the Taliban should distinguish – notes the research - local Taliban, considered members of the wider Afghan community, from those in neighboring countries, considered to be less inclined to compromise and negotiation. According to the Afghans, an effort of reconciliation with the anti-government movements is needed because the ten-year deployment of international troops has not produced significant results, and security conditions have deteriorated in many areas compared to some years ago.
"The most evident data emerging from the research - says Battiston to Fides - is a detachment between the views expressed by the official representatives of Western governments and those of the Afghans". The first claim that, after ten years of military intervention in Afghanistan, the ISAF-NATO and U.S. forces have managed to stabilize the country, the latter claim, on the contrary, that the international community has failed to provide security to the population.
Many of those interviewed complain about an imbalance between the funds deployed for military operations and those allocated to development aid and assistance of local communities. The Afghans claim a greater involvement in the fulfillment of projects promoted by the international community. Among the measures considered indispensable by civil society are: the reconstruction of infrastructures; to ensure the viability of the economic system; to build an effective law system, guarantee of justice and equality for all citizens and protection from abuses. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 07/02/2012)
