AMERICA/BRAZIL - Members of the Missionary, diocesan and parish Councils at the formation missionary school

Monday, 6 February 2012

Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The National Missionary Council (Comina) is an organization of the Catholic Church in Brazil, which has as main purpose the promotion of the missions of the Church in the country by a qualified service of formation, coordination and planning. They include the Episcopal Commission for the missionary activity and Inter-ecclesial cooperation, the Pontifical Mission Societies, the Conference of the Religious of Brazil and the specific bodies operating in this field. COMINA is present throughout the country through the Regional Missionary Councils (COMIREs), Missionary Diocesan Councils (COMIDIs) and Parish Missionary Councils (COMIPAs).
The formation of the operators who are dedicated to coordinate and participate in missionary Councils at various levels is a key factor for the development of activities. They are asked to carry out an authentic missionary spirit in a time where the missionary dimension is required from all pastoral areas in which the Church works. In the statement sent to Fides, the need to "motivate and train the animators" through biblical formation so as to be able to direct missionary activity "first of all with a renewed ecclesial identity is emphasized".
The missionary formation meetings for members of the COMIPAs and COMIDIs, promoted by the Pontifical Mission Societies, the Mission Cultural Centre (CCM) and the Episcopal Commission for the missionary activity, will be held in Brasilia from February 17 to 21, at the headquarters of the CCM . It is a unique moment for animation, discussion and exchange of experiences at a national level, and the aim is to strengthen the articulation of missionary organizations, in addition to providing basic tools useful for missionary animation that is brought to all the dioceses and parishes in the Country. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 06/02/2012)
