ASIA/INDIA - Peace, development, education: the emergencies of a vast and plural country

Monday, 6 February 2012

Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - Peace, education, development, literacy, to build a fair and equitable society: these are the needs indicated by several Bishops of India at the Plenary Assembly being held in Bangalore on the theme "The role of the Church for a better India".
As one source of Fides reports, during the assembly work the Bishops of the various regions of the vast Indian nation submitted reports on the needs and problems that areas characterized by strong ethnic, social, cultural, religious, natural differences come across.
The Bishops of the states of Jharkhand, Orissa, Bihar and Chathisgarh - in the eastern part of India - while noting the strong faith of their communities, have expressed deep concern over the conditions of tribal communities, who have suffered a lot in the process of industrialization on a large scale. Similarly, the Bishops of the Northeastern States have expressed a desire for peace and development in an area marked by ethnic conflict and underdevelopment.
In the South of India the most important need, according to the Prelates of that area, is to review government policies on the promotion of nuclear energy that could have a disastrous effect, on a human and ecological level.
All the Bishops have shared a strong call to eliminate, once and for all, two evils such as poverty and illiteracy: "We cannot have a fair and equal society - it was said during the debate - until a considerable number of brothers and sisters do not have the basis for a dignified life". This is why, they concluded, "the Church is involved with all her heart, mind, strength, in building a nation founded on the values of justice, equity, peace and brotherhood". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 06/02/2012)
