AFRICA/EGYPT-Controversy after clashes in Port Said, which caused at least 74 deaths and 1000 injuries

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - "The Egyptian press wonders why the Governor of Port Said and the security chief of the city were not present at the stadium, as is their habit", says to Fides Fr. Luciano Verdoscia, a Combonian missionary who lives and works in Cairo, reporting the reactions in Egypt to the massacre that took place yesterday in Port Said: at least 74 people were killed and a thousand injured in the riots at the end of the football match between the local club of Al-Masry and that of Al-Ahli, of Cairo, one of the most prestigious championship in Egypt.
"Several victims were reached by blows of a firearm, refers the Egyptian press that accused the security forces to have withdrawn from the stadium allowing the violence to take place" says Fr. Verdoscia. "This tragic incident is interpreted by many as something that is beyond the violent clashes between fans. It is suspected that in fact the military increase the tension (I remember that a few days ago there were other violent acts, apparently due to a criminal motivation), to convince the people of the need to extend the emergency legislation".
In Parliament, where the majority are in the hands of Islamic parties (the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis) there is a discussion to abolish the emergency law but the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (that holds the executive power) opposes. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has declared three days of national mourning to remember the victims of Port Said. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 02/02/2012)
